Pope Francis
11 x 14"
Argentina. (1936-Present)
The Vicar of Christ on earth and the 266th leader of the Roman Catholic Church, Pope Francis is the first Jesuit and Latin American Pope in the Church's 2000 year history. He is also the first Pope to take the name Francis. Known for his humility, progressive stances, and moving the church into the 21st century, Pope Francis has been a breath of fresh air in so many significant ways. His ceaseless dedication to helping and comforting the less fortunate and reminding people of the true message of Christ, has earned him universal respect and admiration around the globe. In 2013, he was named TIME Magazine's Person of the Year, and in 2014, was deemed by Forbes Magazine as the World's #1 Greatest Leader. He is a shining example of transformative leadership and an uplifting voice of the human spirit.